mpMRT - multiparametrische MRT

Erstellt am 29 Dec 2017 13:54
Zuletzt geändert: 03 Oct 2024 23:53


Es war lange Zeit unklar, ob die multiparametrische MRT (mpMRT) der Prostata (oder eines anderen Organs) eine Leistung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung in Deutschland darstellt oder nicht.

G-BA Pressemitteilung vom 17.12.2020: Prostatakrebs: G-BA hält an PSA-Wert-Bestimmung bei der Behandlung fest – kein Einsatz in der Früherkennung - In dem Beratungsverfahren wurde die mpRT von den stellungnahmeberechtigten Organisationen mehrfach erwähnt; vom G-BA wurde darauf verwiesen, dass das Thema der Beratung nur der PSA-Test in der Früherkennung war.

Ärzteblatt: GOÄ-Ratgeber: Zur Abrechnung einer Fusionsbiopsie der Prostata
Dtsch Arztebl 2019; 116(38): A-1674 / B-1382 / C-1354

Mittlerweile gibt es einen Beschluss des Bewertungsausschusses nach § 87 Abs. 1 Satz 1 SGB V in seiner 596. Sitzung am 15. Juni 2022 zum Ergebnis des Prüfverfahrens gemäß § 6 Absatz 1 II. Kapitel der Verfahrensordnung des Bewertungsausschusses i. V. m. § 87 Abs. 3e Satz 4 SGB V mit Wirkung zum 15. Juni 2022. (Google-Suchergebnis)



Die Trefferrate bei der Diagnose des Prostatakarzinoms kann verbessert werden, wenn die systematische Stanzbiopsie um eine gezielte Biopsie von Arealen ergänzt wird, die in der Magnetresonanztomografie (MRT) als suspekt erscheinen. (Siehe auch: Ärzteblatt online vom 11.03.2020

The NPV of mpMRI varied greatly depending on study design, cancer prevalence, and definitions of positive mpMRI and csPCa. As cancer prevalence was highly variable among series, risk stratification of patients should be the initial step before considering prebiopsy mpMRI and defining those in whom biopsy may be omitted when the mpMRI is negative.
This systematic review examined if multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can be used to reliably predict the absence of prostate cancer in patients suspected of having prostate cancer, thereby avoiding a prostate biopsy. The results suggest that whilst it is a promising tool, it is not accurate enough to replace prostate biopsy in such patients, mainly because its accuracy is variable and influenced by the prostate cancer risk. However, its performance can be enhanced if there were more accurate ways of determining the risk of having prostate cancer. When such tools are available, it should be possible to use an MRI scan to avoid biopsy in patients at a low risk of prostate cancer.

  • Ahmed HU, El-Shater Bosaily A, Brown LC, Gabe R, Kaplan R, Parmar MK, Collaco-Moraes Y, Ward K, Hindley RG, Freeman A, Kirkham AP, Oldroyd R, Parker C, Emberton M; PROMIS study group. Diagnostic accuracy of multi-parametric MRI and TRUS biopsy in prostate cancer (PROMIS): a paired validating confirmatory study. Lancet. 2017 Feb 25;389(10071):815-822. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32401-1. Epub 2017 Jan 20.
    • Abstract:
    • Using MP-MRI to triage men might allow 27% of patients avoid a primary biopsy and diagnosis of 5% fewer clinically insignificant cancers. If subsequent TRUS-biopsies were directed by MP-MRI findings, up to 18% more cases of clinically significant cancer might be detected compared with the standard pathway of TRUS-biopsy for all. MP-MRI, used as a triage test before first prostate biopsy, could reduce unnecessary biopsies by a quarter. MP-MRI can also reduce over-diagnosis of clinically insignificant prostate cancer and improve detection of clinically significant cancer.
    • FUNDING:
    • PROMIS is funded by the UK Government Department of Health, National Institute of Health Research-Health Technology Assessment Programme, (Project number 09/22/67). This project is also supported and partly funded by UCLH/UCL Biomedical Research Centre and The Royal Marsden and Institute for Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre and is coordinated by the Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit (MRC CTU) at UCL. It is sponsored by University College London (UCL).

Laufende Studien

This prospective clinical trial (PRostate Imaging using Mri +/- contrast Enhancement (PRIME)) aims to assess whether biparametric MRI (bpMRI) is non-inferior to multiparametric mpMRI (mpMRI) in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer.
This means that we are comparing MRI scans that requires injection of IV contrast (the current standard practice) versus MRI scans that can be performed without IV contrast in the detection of prostate cancer.

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