Erstellt am 11 May 2018 09:44
Zuletzt geändert: 20 Aug 2019 20:53
- CellTrend Funktionsteste Onkologie
- DCS Innovative Diagnostik-Systeme: Tumorchemosensitivität
- NextGen Oncology Group - Prof. Bojahr: Differentieller Chemo-/Biologikasensitivitätstest (DCBS)
- Ex vivo chemosensitivity testing and gene expression profiling predict response towards adjuvant gemcitabine treatment in pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer. 2008 Sep 2;99(5):760-7.
- Predicting resistance to platinum-containing chemotherapy with the ATP tumor chemosensitivity assay in primary ovarian cancer. Anticancer Res. 2008 Mar-Apr;28(2A):949-55.
- Does chemosensitivity-assay-directed therapy have an influence on the prognosis of patients with malignant melanoma stage IV? A retrospective study of 14 patients with malignant melanoma stage IV. Eur J Med Res. 2007 Oct 30;12(10):497-502.
- Chemosensitivity testing using microplate adenosine triphosphate-based luminescence measurements. Methods Mol Med. 2005;110:101-20.
- Chemosensitivity testing in malignant melanoma. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2003;161:81-92.
- TherapySelect: Welcher Test ist für welchen Patienten sinnvoll?
- Pubmed
- Pubmed-Suche - funktioniert nicht mit Internet Explorer oder Edge; Such-String:
(chemoresponse[ti] OR "chemotherapy response"[tiab] OR (chemotherapy[tiab] AND ("tumor response"[tiab] OR "tumor cell response"[tiab] OR "cancer cell response"[tiab]))
OR chemosensitivity[ti] OR "chemotherapy sensitivity"[tiab] OR (chemotherapy[tiab] AND ("tumor sensitivity"[tiab] OR "tumor cell sensitivity"[tiab] OR "cancer cell sensitivity"[tiab]))
OR chemoresistance[ti] OR "chemotherapy resistance"[tiab] OR (chemotherapy[ti] AND ("tumor resistance"[tiab] OR "tumor cell resistance"[tiab] OR "cancer cell resistance"[tiab] OR "drug resistance"[ti]))
OR "drug resistance test"[tiab] OR "drug resistance testing"[tiab] OR DRT[tiab] OR ATP-TCA[tiab] OR CTR[ti] OR "chemotherapy resistance test"[All Fields] OR CRT[ti] OR ChemoSelect[tiab] OR "Extreme Drug Resistance"[tiab] OR EDR[tiab]
OR "Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor*/methods"[MAJR])
AND (test[ti] OR testing[ti] OR assay[ti] OR kit[ti] OR profile[ti] OR profiling[ti] OR "in vitro"[ti] OR diagnosis[ti] OR diagnostic[ti] OR detects[ti] OR detect[ti] OR detected[ti] OR finds[ti] OR found[ti] OR identifies[ti] OR identified[ti])
AND ("neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR "neoplasms"[tiab] OR "cancer"[tiab])
- Klameth L, Rath B, Hochmaier M, Moser D, Redl M, Mungenast F, Gelles K, Ulsperger E, Zeillinger R, Hamilton G. Small cell lung cancer: model of circulating tumor cell tumospheres in chemoresistance. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05562-z. Link:
- Koo JS, Jung W, Shin E, Lee HD, Jeong J, Kim KH, Jeong H, Hong SW.Impact of grade, hormone receptor, and HER-2 status in women with breast cancer on response to specific chemotherapeutic agents by in vitro adenosine triphosphate-based chemotherapy response assay. J Korean Med Sci. 2009 Dec;24(6):1150-7. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2009.24.6.1150.
- Rice SD, Heinzman JM, Brower SL, Ervin PR, Song N, Shen K, Wang D.Analysis of chemotherapeutic response heterogeneity and drug clustering based on mechanism of action using an in vitro assay. Anticancer Res. 2010 Jul;30(7):2805-11.
- Heuser, Michael. Reproduzierbare Quantifizierung der Zytostatikaempfindlichkeit menschlicher Tumorzelllinien durch Beseitigung photochemischer Artefakte. Dissertation, Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg 2005.
- Dietel M, Arps H, Bals U, Niendorf A, Henke P, Garbrecht M, Platz D, Weh HJ, Thoma G, Klapdor R, et al. Individualisierung der Chemotherapie durch prädiktive In-vitro-Bestimmung der Zytostatikasensitivität maligner Tumoren. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1989 Oct 27;114(43):1645-52. PMID: 2806095 DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1066809
Sonstiges - Weblinks
- ChemoCommunity - Network Community for predicting and understanding chemoresponse
- Forschungsportal Rheinland-Pfalz: BMBF Vebundprojekt „Oncoprofile-Kit – Etablierung diagnostischer Techniken zur Beurteilung der Zytostatikasensitivität“ (Förderkennzeichen: 01GR0816)
- Forschungsportal Sachsen-Anhalt: Spezifischer Einfluss multipotenter Stromazellen auf die Zytostatikasensitivität kolorektaler Karzinomzellen
- KBV: Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab: Anhänge - Kap.4: Verzeichnis nicht oder nicht mehr berechnungsfähiger Leistungen:
- 32534 Prüfung der Zytostatikasensitivität maligner Tumoren, z. B. Tumorstammzellenassay, mit einer oder mehreren Substanzen
- Krebs-Kompass Forum: Chemo-Sensitivitätstest
- Oncoprofile Abschlussbericht Teilprojekt 1
- Oncoprofile Kit - Etablierung diagnostischer Techniken zur Beurteilung der Zytostatikasensitivität: Schlussbericht
- Oncoprofile Abschlussbericht Teilprojekt 3
- Pharmazeutische Zeitung 2003: Bessere Erfolge durch individualisierte Chemotherapie
- Pharmazeutische Zeitung 2015: Krebswachstum trotz Therapie
- Welt am Sonntag vom 26.03.2006: Tödliche Tricks der Krebszellen
Studien auf
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
First Posted: October 23, 2017
Last Update Posted: April 17, 2018
For patients treated with AIs, monitoring of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) for ESR1, PIK3CA and AKT1 mutations could permit early detection of resistance to AIs as recently reported during 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting.
Sponsors and Collaborators: Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine
Principal Investigator: MASSART VINCENT, MD Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine
Zirkulierende Tumrozellen beim Bronchialkarzinom: Pressemeldung MedUniWien vom 18.07.2017: Ursache der Chemo-Resistenz beim kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom entschlüsselt
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
First Posted: January 10, 2014
Last Update Posted: February 20, 2017
Estimated Primary Completion Date: September 2017
Estimated Study Completion Date: September 2020
Study Description Summary:
A genomic test was developed to predict chemo-sensitivity to taxane-anthracycline-based chemotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment. The primary aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate the microarray-based, genomic test as a predictor of axillary lymph node response. Also, to determine whether the probability of achieving negative axillary nodes, is sufficiently high for patients whose breast cancer is predicted to be chemo-sensitive to support omitting axillary dissection.
Patients With HER2-negative Breast Cancer
Sponsor: Medical University of Graz
Contact: Florentia Peintinger, M.D. ta.zarginudem|regnitniep.aitnerolf#ta.zarginudem|regnitniep.aitnerolf
Hatzis C, Pusztai L, Valero V, Booser DJ, Esserman L, Lluch A, Vidaurre T, Holmes F, Souchon E, Wang H, Martin M, Cotrina J, Gomez H, Hubbard R, Chacón JI, Ferrer-Lozano J, Dyer R, Buxton M, Gong Y, Wu Y, Ibrahim N, Andreopoulou E, Ueno NT, Hunt K, Yang W, Nazario A, DeMichele A, O'Shaughnessy J, Hortobagyi GN, Symmans WF. A genomic predictor of response and survival following taxane-anthracycline chemotherapy for invasive breast cancer. JAMA. 2011 May 11;305(18):1873-81. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.593.
Peintinger F, Anderson K, Mazouni C, Kuerer HM, Hatzis C, Lin F, Hortobagyi GN, Symmans WF, Pusztai L. Thirty-gene pharmacogenomic test correlates with residual cancer burden after preoperative chemotherapy for breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Jul 15;13(14):4078-82.
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
First Posted: August 18, 2017
Last Update Posted: August 18, 2017
Study Description Summary:
The purpose of this study is to test the CANscript™ sensitivity assay, which is a new and different assay developed to test the sensitivity of different cancer types to physician selected therapies (both drugs and/or drug combinations) indicated for the stage and type of cancer for treatment. CANscript™ tests how a patients specific tumor reacts to the therapies being considered by the treating physician. CANscript™ test results have been shown to closely correspond with actual clinical results, providing physicians with information that may help him/her develop a more personalized cancer treatment and care plan based on the patients specific condition. The researchers want to see if CANscript™ test results are helpful in selecting the treatments prescribed and provided. There will be about 800 people taking part in this study, across 5 different tumor types. The study is designed to assess the decision impact of the CANscript™ test results in informing physicians in therapy selection.
Sponsor: Mitra RxDx, Inc.
Investigators: Study Chair: Eric Rowinsky, MD Chief Medical Officer Mitrabiotech
Anton F Ehrhadt, PhD 339 999 2340 moc.hcetoibartim|tdahrhEA#moc.hcetoibartim|tdahrhEA; Matthew Nowland, BA 3399992331 moc.hcetoibartim|dnalwonm#moc.hcetoibartim|dnalwonm; Elizabeth Tan-Chui, MD 954-582-1850, moc.eracrecnaclf|gzilil#moc.eracrecnaclf|gzilil; Pamela Beck 5617273801, moc.eracrecnaclf|balemap#moc.eracrecnaclf|balemap.
Recruitment Status: Completed
First Posted: May 12, 2009
Last Update Posted: May 30, 2017
Study Description Summary:
This laboratory study is looking at an assay in determining cancer resistance in patients with metastatic cancer and in healthy participants.
Sponsors and Collaborators: Wake Forest University Health Sciences; National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States, 27157-1096; Study Chair: Zheng Cui, PhD Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Recruitment Status: Completed
First Posted: December 1, 2011
Last Update Posted: January 14, 2015
Study Description Summary:
Patients with a previously performed diagnosis of LC, colon cancer or breast cancer with no further standard therapy options, with a Karnofsky performance status of 100% and with tumor tissue available will be considered eligible for the study. Tumor tissue will be collected before study entry, i.e tissue obtained during a diagnostic or therapeutical procedure, like surgery or biopsies with other purposes than the protocol. In vitro tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy drugs will be tested on tumor cell cultures per each patient.
Drugs and their combination will be considered effective and if they kill ≥ 60% of tumor stem cells in vitro test. By using cancer spheres the investigators will also generate orthotopic xenograft models that recapitulate the parental tumor behaviour, including the aggressive features and the invasiveness potential. Orthotopic injection technique will be assessed in 5 weeks-old NOD/SCID mice
Sponsors and Collaborators: Associazione Oncologia Traslazionale
D'Arcangelo M, Todaro M, Salvini J, Benfante A, Colorito ML, D'Incecco A, Landi L, Apuzzo T, Rossi E, Sani S, Stassi G, Cappuzzo F. Cancer Stem Cells Sensitivity Assay (STELLA) in Patients with Advanced Lung and Colorectal Cancer: A Feasibility Study. PLoS One. 2015 May 8;10(5):e0125037. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125037. eCollection 2015.
The approach used for the STELLA trial allowed isolation of cancer stem cells in a consistent proportion of patients. The low percentage of cases completing the full procedure and the long median time for obtaining results highlights the need for a more efficient procedure.
Recruitment Status: Completed
First Posted: October 24, 2005
Last Update Posted: January 26, 2012
Study Description Summary:
The private company DiaTech undertook this clinical study to see if an experimental new technology called the microculture kinetic (MiCK) assay will predict treatment outcome and can help to direct the chemotherapy of cancer subjects. This study is focused on subjects diagnosed with breast, ovarian, lung, and colon malignancies and low-grade lymphomas.
Study Objectives:
• To evaluate the ability of the MiCK assay to predict the outcome of chemotherapy of cancer patients.
• To evaluate the ability of the MiCK assay to guide chemotherapy of cancer patients.
Sponsors and Collaborators: Pierian Biosciences; Responsible Party: Cary Presant, MD, DiaTech Oncology
Foundational research on the MICK Assay the predecessor to ChemoINTEL - Literature list
Terminiert oder Status unbekannt:
Recruitment Status: Unknown
Verified May 2006 by National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Recruitment status was: Active, not recruiting
First Posted: November 26, 2003
Last Update Posted: December 19, 2013
Study aim: To evaluate the proportion of patients with extreme, intermediate, and low drug resistance to paclitaxel using the Extreme Drug Resistance (EDR) Assay in patients with previously treated metastatic breast cancer.
Publications of Results:
Fruehauf JP, Mehta RS, Parker RJ: Association of invitro resistance to paclitaxel with clinical outcome in metastatic breast cancer patients with taxol: a multi-institutional prospective trial. [Abstract] Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 41: A-2096, 330, 2000.
Recruitment Status : Recruiting
First Posted : May 24, 2017
Last Update Posted : May 24, 2017
Study Description Summary:
Motility Contrast Tomography (MCT) has recently emerged as a technology that measures the biodynamic response of intact tumor biopsies to applied therapeutics by using Doppler detection of infrared light scattered from intracellular motions inside living tissue. Several small scale animal, xenograft, and human studies have shown this phenotypic profiling technique to be highly accurate in prediction of response and resistance to chemotherapy. This project will be the first human trial of biodynamic phenotyping to predict chemotherapy response among breast cancer patients. Specifically, the study cohort will include patients selected for neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment, because this setting offers the opportunity for near-term outcome measurement at the time of post-chemo surgery. Pre-therapy fresh tumor specimens will be imaged using MCT, and the resulting bio-dynamic signatures will be compared to confirmed pathological response at the time of surgery. Observation of a high predictive value will provide the basis for expanded clinical trials and prompt commercialization of a biodynamic chemotherapy selection assay for breast and other cancer patients.
Sponsors and Collaborators: Animated Dynamics, Inc.
Contact: Travis D Morgan; Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46241; 800-963-3313 ext 702 moc.nydina|nagromt#moc.nydina|nagromt
Recruitment Status : Recruiting
First Posted : August 3, 2017
Last Update Posted : August 3, 2017
Study Description Summary:
This project is investigating a novel MRI method called Magnetic Resonance Force (MRF). MRF has been developed to accurately estimate tumour stiffness in the breast by measuring the interstitial fluid pressure (IFP).
50 healthy volunteers will be recruited to extend the hardware and establish MRF imaging acquisition protocols for pre and post-menopausal women. Once completed, we will test this new imaging technique with the acquired imaging protocols on 100 patients undergoing surgery as first line of their treatment for their breast cancer to establish a potential biomarker signature predictive of lymph node involvement and metastatic potential. Simultaneously, 50 patients undergoing chemotherapy as first line of their treatment for their breast cancers will be recruited to develop a biomarker signature that could predict response or resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy as determined by conventional imaging and histopathology.
Sponsors and Collaborators: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust; King's College London
Mutations- und DNA-Expressionstest für zielgerichtete Therapie
Recruitment Status : Completed
First Posted : August 11, 2011
Last Update Posted : May 4, 2017
Study Description Summary:
High throughput technologies (array CGH, sequencing, gene expression array) identify deregulated genes. In addition, these technologies determine whether such genomic alterations are single (expected efficacy of single agent) or multiple (rationale for combination). In a pilot study that included 135 patients, we recently performed a combination of array CGH and hot spot mutation array in order to drive patients into phase I/II clinical trials. This study led to the conclusions that high throughput technologies i. are feasible (80%) and robust, ii. identify "targetable" genomic alterations in around 40% of samples.
In the present study, the investigators will perform high throughput technologies to drive 400 metastatic breast cancer patients into specific phase I/II trials.
Andre F, Delaloge S, Soria JC. Biology-driven phase II trials: what is the optimal model for molecular selection? J Clin Oncol. 2011 Apr 1;29(10):1236-8. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.31.6877. Epub 2011 Feb 22.
André F, Bachelot T, Commo F, Campone M, Arnedos M, Dieras V, Lacroix-Triki M, Lacroix L, Cohen P, Gentien D, Adélaide J, Dalenc F, Goncalves A, Levy C, Ferrero JM, Bonneterre J, Lefeuvre C, Jimenez M, Filleron T, Bonnefoi H. Comparative genomic hybridisation array and DNA sequencing to direct treatment of metastatic breast cancer: a multicentre, prospective trial (SAFIR01/UNICANCER). Lancet Oncol. 2014 Mar;15(3):267-74. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70611-9. Epub 2014 Feb 7.
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