
Erstellt am 08 Aug 2018 20:33
Zuletzt geändert: 09 Aug 2018 11:15


Seltene, schwer verlaufende, generalisierte Variante des Lichen myxoedematosus mit typischen lichenoiden Papeln, flächenhafter Verdickung und Verhärtung der Haut mit Einlagerung von Muzinen und massiv gesteigerter Fibrose der Dermis.
Häufig (>90%) monoklonale Paraproteinämie, meist vom IgG1-Lambda-Typ, seltener vom IgG-Kappa-Typ. S.a. Muzinosen. IgG1-Lambda ist ein 7S-, Papain-sensitives Globulin (Größe ca. 100 kDa), das auf Grund seines hohen Lysinanteils stark basisch ist.
Bei ausgedehntem Befallsmuster u./o. Nachweis einer Gammopathie u./o. systemischem Befall:
Glukokortikoide in Kombination mit Zytostatika: Prednison (z.B. Decortin) 80-100 mg/Tag kombiniert mit Cyclophosphamid (z.B. Endoxan) 150-200 mg/Tag p.o., allmähliche Dosisreduktion. Erhaltungstherapie um 50 mg/Tag anstreben. Alternativ Stoßtherapie: Prednison 500-1000 mg i.v. alle 2-4 Wochen, anschließend Intervalle ausdehnen. Alternativ: Kombination mit Dexamethason 40 mg p.o. über 4 Tage alle 4 Wochen.
Alternativ: Plasmapherese in Kombination mit Immunsuppressiva wie Cyclophosphamid: Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Therapieprinzip, bei dem gute Langzeiterfolge beschrieben worden sind. Frühzeitiger Therapiebeginn verbessert die Erfolge.
Alternativ: IVIG. Weltweit wurden etwa 15 Patienten mit bemerkenswert guten Resultaten (2mal komplette Abheilung) behandelt, v.a. im anglo-amerikanischen Raum. Die Dosierungen lagen im hohen Therapiebereich (2 g/kg KG! über mehrere Tage verteilt); Therapieintervalle von 4 Wochen. Therapiedauer 6 Monate bis zu 3 Jahren.
Wahrscheinlich das erfolgversprechendste Therapieprinzip (optimale Dosierungen noch unklar) bei leider sehr hohen Therapiekosten!

Laut OrphaNet Berichtsreihe Nummer 1 vom Juni 2018, zu Prävalenzen, Inzidenzen oder Anzahl publizierter Fälle, konnten weltweit 250 Fälle von Skleromyxödem identifiziert werden.


From the Abstract:
… Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins at a dosage of 2 g/kg monthly was started. Considerable improvements were observed after seven cycles of therapy, with recovery of skin elasticity, an increase in facial mimic movement, restoration of joint function and improvement in the modified Rodnan score. There were no observed side-effects. The patient remains in remission on monthly maintenance intravenous immunoglobulins, 2 years after initial treatment.

In a prospective open-label study, IVIg was administered to eight patients with scleromyxoedema in a dose of 2 g/kg per month. The patients were followed-up to a minimum of 6 months, and their disease activity and response to treatment were assessed using the Physician's Global Assessment of disease severity (PGA) and a modified objective skin scoring system for patients with scleroderma (modified Rodnan score system for scleromyxoedema or mRSSS). We used a stringent statistical nonparametric test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, to assess the changes in the mRSSS following therapy with IVIg.
Eight patients were included (five males) with a mean age of 59 years. Mean duration of scleromyxoedema was 19 months (6-37 months). The mean duration of treatment was 36.5 months (range 7-74 months).The patients were followed-up for a minimum of 15 months to a maximum of 87 months (mean 44 months). The mean baseline mRSSS of our cohort was 82.38 (37-145, SD 40.763) at the start of treatment, and this significantly decreased to 14.88 (0-37, SD 12.988) (P = 0.012) at the last clinical evaluation with a decrease in mRSSS of 81.6%. No considerable side effects were noted. Paraproteinemia remained substantially unchanged. In six cases, maintenance infusions were required to preserve disease control, while in two patients, therapy was stopped after 7 and 11 months. Relapses, however, occurred, respectively, after 6 and 25 months.
Our study is the first to demonstrate a statistically clinical objective improvement of clinical symptoms of scleromyxoedema with IVIg.

Aufgrund mangelnder Therapiealternativen können IVIg bei schweren Verläufen des Skleromyxödems als Erstlinientherapie eingesetzt werden.

We conducted a retrospective and prospective multicenter study.
We identified 30 patients with scleromyxedema (17 men and 13 women). The mean age at diagnosis was 59 years. The mean delay between disease onset and diagnosis was 9 months. Monoclonal gammopathy was detected in 27 patients. Extracutaneous manifestations were present in 19 patients including neurologic (30%), rheumatologic (23.3%), and cardiac (20%) manifestations. Two patients developed hematologic malignancies. The most common therapies included oral steroids and intravenous immunoglobulins. Although corticosteroids were ineffective, intravenous immunoglobulins (alone or in combination with other drugs) induced complete remission in 4 and partial remission in 9 patients with a mean treatment duration of 2 years. In all, 21 patients were followed up for a mean period of 33.5 months, at which time 16 patients were alive, 12 with and 4 without skin disease. Five patients died: 2 with dermatoneuro syndrome and 1 each with myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, and myocardial insufficiency.
LIMITATIONS: This is mainly a retrospective study.
Our study confirms that scleromyxedema is a chronic and unpredictable disease with severe systemic manifestations leading to a guarded prognosis. There is no specific definitive treatment. Our data support the contention that intravenous immunoglobulin is a relatively effective and safe treatment. The response is not permanent and maintenance infusions are required.

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