CRION (chronisch rezidivierende Immun-Optikusneuropathie)

Erstellt am 23 Dec 2019 14:51
Zuletzt geändert: 23 Dec 2019 21:08

ICD 10: H46
Die chronic relapsing inflammatory neuropathy (CRION) ist eine basierend auf Einzelfallbeschreibungen postulierte Sonderform einer Sehnerventzündung. Sie ist im Vergleich zu anderen Formen der Sehnerventzündung gekennzeichnet durch einen schwereren Verlauf und häufigere Rezidive bei Fehlen von demyelinisierenden ZNS-Veränderungen.
Es handelt sich um eine seltene Erkrankung mit unklarer Ätiologie.
Eine autoimmunologische Genese wird vermutet.
Nach neueren Forschungsergebnissen handelt es sich in einem großen Teil der Fälle um ein MOG-IgG-assoziierte Erkrankung (MOG-IgG-associated disorder - MOGAD).

Die Leitlinie 2018 erwähnt CRION als "atypische" Form


Background and objective: Chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuritis (CRION) is one of the more common phenotypes related to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies (MOG-Abs). The absence of specific biomarkers makes distinguishing between CRION and relapsing inflammatory ON (RION) difficult. A recent work has suggested a widespread affectation of the central nervous system in CRION patients. In order to search for a potential CRION marker we have measured brain atrophy in a cohort of patients, stratified by phenotypes: CRION, RION, multiple sclerosis with a history of optic neuritis (MS-ON), and MOG-Abs status. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 31 patients (seven CRION, 11 RION, and 13 MS-ON). All patients were tested for MOG and aquaporin-4 antibodies (AQ4-Abs). Clinical data were collected. Brain atrophy was calculated by measuring the brain parenchyma fraction (BPF) with Neuroquant® software. Results: Four of seven CRION patients and one of 11 RION patients were positive for MOG-Abs (p = 0.046) and no MS-ON patients tested positive to MOG-Abs. All patients were negative to AQ4-Abs. The BPF was lower in patients with CRION than patients with RION (70.6 vs. 75.3%, p = 0.019) and similar to that in MS-ON patients. Conclusions: Brain atrophy in idiopathic inflammatory relapsing ON is present in patients with the CRION phenotype. Data from this study reflect that the optic nerve is a main target involved in these patients but not the only one. Our results should be further investigated in comprehensive and prospective studies.

The recent development of a reproducible, live cell-based assay for MOG-IgG, has improved our ability to identify and study this disease. Based on contemporary studies, it has become increasingly evident that MOGAD is distinct from multiple sclerosis and aquaporin-4-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with different clinical features and treatment outcomes. There is now sufficient evidence to separate MOGAD from other inflammatory central nervous system demyelinating disorders, which will allow focused research on understanding the pathophysiology of the disease. Prospective treatment trials are needed to determine the best course of treatment, and until then, treatment plans must be individualized to the clinical manifestations and severity of disease.

CRION is a relapsing optic neuritis of unknown aetiology. The strong response to corticosteroids to avoid recurrence suggests that it might be an immune-mediated disease. CRION typically presents as a subacute and recurrent optic neuropathy with severe visual loss. The principal differential diagnoses are the demyelinating (multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders and anti-MOG), systemic (mostly sarcoidosis) and infectious diseases. CRION has a dramatic and dependent corticoids response; to avoid adverse events, we use immunosuppressive treatment in long-term.

Wahrscheinlich die erste wissenschaftliche Beschreibung dieser Erkrankung.

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* Zitat nach: Bach, Otto: ''Über die Subjektabhängigkeit des Bildes von der Wirklichkeit im psychiatrischen Diagnostizieren und Therapieren''. In: Psychiatrie heute, Aspekte und Perspektiven, Festschrift für Rainer Tölle, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München 1994, ISBN 3-541-17181-2, (Zitat: Seite 1)

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