Erstellt am 26 May 2022 14:27
Zuletzt geändert: 03 Mar 2023 08:56
- Möhnle P, Humpe A, Boeck M, Gruetzner S, Hackstein H, Offner R, Hildebrandt M. Emergency Use of Convalescent Plasma: Perception of the Regulatory Framework from a Clinical Perspective. Transfus Med Hemother. 2021 Nov 15;49(2):119-124. doi: 10.1159/000519841. PMID: 35611385; PMCID: PMC9082186.
Arbeitsgruppe Augsburg, Erlangen, Großhadern, Regensburg, Würzburg.
The pandemic spread of an infectious disease poses a plethora of challenges to society, clinicians, health care providers and regulating authorities. In order to mount a rapid response and to provide hope in a potentially catastrophic situation as the current COVID-19 pandemic, emergency plans, regulations and funding strategies have to be developed on regional, national and international levels. The speed needed to establish rapid response programs is challenged by the dynamics of the spread of the disease, the concurrent and competing development of different and potentially more effective treatment options, and not the least by regulatory uncertainty. Convalescent plasma, that is plasma collected from patients who have recovered from COVID-19 infections, has emerged as one of the first potential treatment options in the absence of drugs or vaccines with proven efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. The societal aspects of convalescent plasma and the public awareness gave an additional boost to the rapid employment of convalescent plasma donation platforms immediately after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. At the same time, uncertainty remains as to the efficacy of convalescent plasma. With evidence mostly limited to empirical reports, convalescent plasma has been used for decades for the prophylaxis and treatment of various infectious diseases. Clinical trials have addressed different infectious agents, stages of disease, target groups of patients and yielded sometimes inconclusive results. The aim of this short review is to delineate the regulatory background for the emergency use of convalescent plasma in the USA, in the European Union and in Germany, and the transition to the setting of clinical trials. In addition, we describe observations made in the process of collecting COVID-19 convalescent plasma (herein referred to as CCP), and formulate proposals to further improve the framework for rapid responses in future emergency situations.
Artikel zum Thema Covid-19 auf Wikidot
- Covid 19: Ländervergleiche
- COVID-19 - data & numbers
- Infektionsgeschehen und Infektionsbekämpfung
- Covid 19: Public-Health-Maßnahmen
- Covid 19: Transmission
- Covid 19: Ventilation
- Covid 19: Therapie
- Rekonvaleszenten-Plasma
- Covid 19: Immunantworten
- Covid 19: Impfstoffe
- Covid 19: Post-Infektions oder Impfdurchbrüche
- Covid 19: Impfungen, Nebenwirkungen, Schäden
- Covid 19: Impfschäden, Post-Covid-Vakzine-Syndrom
- Covid-19: Spätschäden, Long-Covid & Post-Covid
- Post-COVID Epidemiologie
- Post-Covid: Symptome & Störungsbilder
- Post Covid: Schadensbilder
- Post-Covid-ME/CFS: Sozialrecht
- Post-Covid: Sozialrecht
- Post-Covid: Therapie-Ansatz Apherese
- Post-Covid: Therapie-Ansatz BC007
- Post-Covid: Therapie-Ansatz HBO
- Covid-19: Transmission
- Covid 19: Ventilation
- Krankheit: Grippe
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