Blastische plasmozytoide dendritische Zellneoplasie (BPDCN)

Erstellt am 27 Nov 2019 15:56
Zuletzt geändert: 27 Nov 2019 20:56

Die DGHO definiert die als Untergruppe der akuten myeloischen Leukämie:

Krankenhausvergütung - NUB-Entgelte


The last century and a half has seen first the recognition of lymphomas, and then the publication of one lymphoma classification after another often together with highly critical comments about preceding classifications or a welcome that was less than warm. The introduction of HUMAN PATHOLOGY in 1970 came just before one of the very acrimonious periods in lymphoma classification, as we were learning more about the normal immune system and with the proposed functional lymphoma classifications of Lukes/Collins and Kiel in 1974 relating the lymphomas to their normal B-cell or T-cell 'counterparts'. Those difficult times were followed by the regressive strictly morphologic NCI Working Formulation in 1982, with the REAL classification in 1994 putting us back on a rational path, once again grouping the lymphoid neoplasms first into those of B-cell and T- and putative NK-cell origin, and then using multiple parameters to define specific entities. Planning for the first modern WHO lymphoma classification began soon afterward, with concordance and collegiality leading to the 2001 WHO classification, which then evolved with publication of the 2008 and 2016 WHO classifications. While this review looks at these important past developments which have gotten us to where we are today, it also concentrates on where we are now, what has been learned since the most recent WHO classification and 'Blue Book' were published and on some of the unanswered questions that remain as we look to the future.

A revision of the nearly 8-year-old World Health Organization classification of the lymphoid neoplasms and the accompanying monograph is being published. It reflects a consensus among hematopathologists, geneticists, and clinicians regarding both updates to current entities as well as the addition of a limited number of new provisional entities. The revision clarifies the diagnosis and management of lesions at the very early stages of lymphomagenesis, refines the diagnostic criteria for some entities, details the expanding genetic/molecular landscape of numerous lymphoid neoplasms and their clinical correlates, and refers to investigations leading to more targeted therapeutic strategies. The major changes are reviewed with an emphasis on the most important advances in our understanding that impact our diagnostic approach, clinical expectations, and therapeutic strategies for the lymphoid neoplasms.

  • Swerdlow SH, et al. International Agency for Research on Cancer. WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue. International Agency of Research on Cancer September 2017; 4. überarbeitete Version. 586 Seiten. IARC, Frankreich.

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* Zitat nach: Bach, Otto: ''Über die Subjektabhängigkeit des Bildes von der Wirklichkeit im psychiatrischen Diagnostizieren und Therapieren''. In: Psychiatrie heute, Aspekte und Perspektiven, Festschrift für Rainer Tölle, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München 1994, ISBN 3-541-17181-2, (Zitat: Seite 1)

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